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Pacea �i Fericirea

Discipolul: Cum pot s� ob�in pacea? Am impresia c� nu o pot ob�ine prin Vichara (investigarea adev�rurilor profunde printr-o metod� ra�ional�).

Maestrul: Pacea este starea ta natural�. Mentalul este cel care creeaz� obstacolele. Vichara ta a fost �n �ntregime o crea�ie a mentalului. Caut� natura spiritului, �i vei vedea c� mentalul va disp�rea. C�ci nu exist� nimic din toate acestea, dec�t un mental f�r� g�nduri. Deoarece g�ndurile apar totu�i f�r� �ncetare, tu le atribui o origine pe care o nume�ti spirit sau mental. Dar atunci c�nd cau�i natura acestuia din urm�, sf�r�e�ti prin a descoperii c� el nu exist�. C�nd mentalul dispare astfel, te cufunzi �n pacea etern�.

Discipolul: Prin poezie, muzic�, Japa Bhajana, peisajele minunate pe care le vedem, lectura unor poezii religioase, etc., se �nt�mpl� s� con�tientiz�m un veritabil sens al Unit��ii. Acest sentiment de pace profund� �i preafericit� (�n care eul personal nu ocup� nici un loc) este totuna cu acea cufundare �n Inim� despre care vorbe�te Bhagavan? Practica spiritual� �ndreptat� c�tre asemenea st�ri va pute conduce la un Samadhi (stare de fuziune cu Divinul) mai profund �i p�n� la urm� la deplina �i totala viziune a Realului?

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Ativan for mri sedation in the critical care of patients with cardiac arrest and in the intensive care unit of surgical ICU. The clinical and laboratory results as well hematology, biochemistry, and urinalysis findings of the patients were compared between two groups. After the 2 hours of Mri Sedation, the mortality patients in sedation group (20.4%) was significantly lower compared with that of patients in the control group (34.4%) (P<0.001). average serum lactate in both groups was significantly lower (P=0.03) compared with the control. This suggested that Mri Sedation could improve the survival to hospital. Introduction Cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in India and among the leading causes of death among people over the age of 60. With increasing age, life expectancy is increasing, and the number of patients suffering from cardiac arrest is increasing. There are buy dexamethasone australia about 70 million patients with critical illnesses in India which means that they are at high risk of suffering cardiac arrest. Many these patients also are given only tepid CPR which can lead to hypoxia and hypovolemic shock causing hypothermia leading to cardiac arrests. The importance of Mri Sedation There are several studies available on different methods of Mri Sedation. the three methods of Mri Sedation discussed in this paper, two methods of treatment (pulmonary artery ligation the pulmonary and thoracotomy) have reported favorable results in experimental animal models of cardiac arrest (Doben et al, 2000; Zilberman 2006) in humans too (Patel and Das, 1996; Kaur et al, 2002; Aiyagari 2001; Patel and Das, 2001). Mri Sedation has also been described to improve cardiac outcomes in experimental animal models of ca