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Sulfamethoxazole trimethoprim for skin infection, and dolouride generic for metronidazole topical cream at a dose equivalent to 3.5 mg/kg daily. The dose of 3.5 mg/kg per day given in this study had been studied previously.25 It was found to possess a synergistic effect with trimethoprim on antibiotic resistance and skin lesions, but there was a reduction in skin lesions the 3.5 mg/kg treatment group than in the given imipenem.25 this study, a lower dose of dolouride 8.1 mg/day was used, equivalent to a maximum dose of 4 mg/kg per day. Therefore, the combination of imipenem, with or without dolouride, should probably be added to the treatment of skin lesions. dosage range used in this study was lower than the dosage range of 7.5–16 mg/kg per day recommended or 10–40 mg/kg per day in an vitro study.25 It must be emphasized that although this study suggests a synergism between imipenem and dolouride, it should not be interpreted to mean that dolouride will be completely protective against the development of resistant bacteria if imipenem is included in a combination therapy. This was shown by similar reduction of bacterial resistance when the dosages of imipenem and dolouride were given in the combination therapy compared with Clopidogrel 75 mg filmtabletten administration individually.25
A double blind study has been performed in which cefuroxime and imipenem have been used in combination with each other.26 Both antibiotics acted effectively in their respective combinations after 48 h of treatment. In addition, cefuroxime and imipenem worked synergistically. It has been proposed that cefuroxime-methyl (5 or 10 mg/kg given once daily for two wk, given at a dose similar to 30 mg/kg in an outpatient combination therapy trial) could be considered to an improved dose for use in combination therapy with imipenem. A new drug application has been filed for cefuroxime and imipenem (5 mg/kg per day for 5 wk) the treatment of a chronic ulcerative colitis, and clinical trial is now underway to confirm the where can i buy metronidazole in australia data obtained from double blind study.27
Although this study showed the superiority of imipenem in combination with buy metronidazole for humans the treatment of skin lesions caused by resistant Streptococcus pyogenes, these results must be interpreted with caution. It could be explained by the low incidence of resistant bacteria in all infections reported patients the study, and different types of infections which were treated, for example those due to Staphylococcus epidermidis, aureus, and aureus S. pyogenes.28,29 Streptococcus pyogenes accounts for only 7 to 11% of skin lesions and is responsible for about 80% of the infections that result in skin lesions, and for about 10% of the skin lesions, no antibiotics are effective.
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The present invention relates to isolation from seawater of a biologically active polypeptide that exhibits enhanced therapeutic activities with low toxicity in vivo. The isolated compound may be any peptide. The peptide can be a mixture of amino acids. The naturally occurring peptide may include any peptidoglycan, preferably one having of the following properties:
a) It has low toxicity when exposed to concentrations of a toxin such as that produced by a neurotoxin or that is toxic to other organisms, e.g. a bacterial protein.
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